Monday, March 22, 2010

Family Fun

Maybe some of you remember the Hess family? I have been photographing these close friends for several years now and it has been so fun to watch their family grow through out the years, especially through photographs! I just love this little series that occurred out of our recent shoot.

Don't they look like they are flying through the air somehow? Just spectacular how these wonderful little girls made the image come alive! It just doesn't take a lot from children to pull of shots that you would have never expected, as I said in an earlier post.

Jenna's parents came along for the shoot too. Yeah for Grandparents who are willing to add in my famous umbrellas and silly ideas!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Birthday Girl!

This is Jayda, and she recently celebrated her first birthday. Lucky me got the opportunity to be the photographer on staff for this big cute event! These are a few of my favorites...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Harrington Girls

Expect the unexpected...

Meet the newest arrival to the Harrington family, Everly. Isn't that just the most beautiful baby girl name? I call this the unexpected shoot because what I really learned, and or what I was reminded of, was that no shoot will ever produce the same types of images. Now you might be saying to yourself, um, that's obvious, right? Well in a way yes, but if you told someone, "yeah, I'm a photographer and I photograph babies now and again", the person on the other end of the conversation might have a certain image in there head of what typical images of babies would produce. But, would it be this?...

When I look at this image I am reminded that we are all so different and what a wonderful thing that is. Going into a shoot I really try to remind myself to just role with where the images take me. When I get home to edit the images it's like opening a present! What delicious image will unfold this time? That is why I try to expect the unexpected at every shoot! It was just a pure pleasure to photograph these little girls, as you can see...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Just in time...

Jeremy and Victoria are expecting...well were expecting, that's right, the very next day after our maternity session Victoria went into labor!
Even when I was taking this shot I said to them, "hey I like your watch in this shot, it's kind of saying tick-tock!" Sure enough their beautiful baby girl was born just a day later. I am so glad that I was able to take these images because wow, just take a look at these parents to be!